Friday, April 29, 2011


The Things you Need!

1. No-ip Host
2. Duke tool
3. DarkComet Rat

Foolow Step and Learn...
This is How to Get No-Ip Account and Host. Free...

1st Click Here and Signup for a new account fill require fields

Note:Use a valid email,they will send a confirmation mail.
You will now download No-IP DUC,that will automatic update your DNS.

Download Duck Click Here

[Image: cetiri.jpg]

After that, log in to your No-IP account and go to Add a Host.
Now,follow instructions on picture.

[Image: peto.jpg]

Then,after you created a host,install No-IP DUC and log in with your information.Check your host and press Save.

Download Duck Click Here

After download it install it in your pc, and open duc login to your account and chose your host and save...

Now Open Darkcomet Rat client...

Step 1: Go to Genral Setting...

Step 2: Enter your no-ip login user and password, and your host name,
and click on authorize if your user and pass correct it will show you success.

Step 3: Now Close it and go in Edit Server and click on Server module

Step 4: Click on Generate

Step 5: Click on NEtwork Setting and Test Netword...

Step 6: Last step is that click on Server Module and Build a Server in Desktop

after it click on listen port, and i open my server file it did show that guest online...

Thats it guys, enjoy this Tutorial... Send this server file to your victim and enjoy...